Wednesday, May 12, 2021

The Road of Buddhism

My name is Thillai Hana

From the land of the blue macaw

African, Guarani, Jewish

From Mato Grosso do Sul

After so much work

In homes, factories

No shortcuts required

I traveled my journey

I opened my own business

I got a tremendous partner

We entered this parade

Politicized by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels

I abandoned the opium of the people: Religion

Pioneer company owner in the market

Interviewed by several journalists

It appears in the Estadão newspaper and on television

Abundance, depression, dog life,

"God if you exist, help me!"

Simultaneously in another part of the city.

A young woman prayed to bring happiness

She pauses to go and do her needs;

In the lab, an open magazine, my photo.

She went to visit me

Nam Myoho Rengue Kyo taught me!

Wow! after sleepless nights. Slept!

At a meeting I went. Meeting ended, 

I was with my son on my lap and another guest  left together.

"How absurd she said that everything I'm living is my fault." 

The guest girl said and never came back

I thought

If I am created, I have power.

And Start practice.

Right away the benefits sprang up.

 I got a tourist and business visa and took a $ 6,000 course in the United States.

Depression left, and happiness came.

"My secretary spoke.

  • “You look like a dizzy cockroach, he (the father of my son) swears at you in front of everyone and you are quiet.

I realized that I had changed..

I prayed for our happiness, and he walked away.

"If Nam Myoho Rengue Kyo works, our relationship work." I claimed.

"Thillai is not for your happiness." My friend buddhist said

- “If we stay together, I will be the happiest person in the world. " I conclude

In 2000 I received the Gohonzon.

In 2001, my goal was to attend a congress in New York in April. 

And I prayed every day for this goal.

On March 28, very angry, I closed the oratory. This doesn't work, no money, nothing.

On April 1, I landed in the USA. 

However, my objective had been wrong, the congress had been in March.

In 2003 I paid for a stand to sell dolls. at the event in Campina Grande in the state of

Paraíba. An event scheduled for 60 thousand people. 

I traveled with two boxes of stoves, filled with dolls. 

There were less than 60 people. On the eve of finishing the event, I

had not sold a doll. 

The night with a racing heart. 

I read Brasil Seikyo, where President Daisaku Ikeda

said: "The important thing is to be happy despite the problems. 

I decided to relax and sleep

The next morning my luck turned. 

The local TV  reported on the dolls.

The townspeople came to buy them.

 I got a call from an American friend, who was in Recife, with his friend Eric.

They were going to a conference in Chapada Diamantina in Bahia

He paid for my plane tickets so I could go with them.

I would like to say that from then on my life became a paradise, 

but that is not what happened.

I lost what was left, I lost everything.

A friend who rented "a space" to keep his trifles, let me go to live in the space,

which did not have a stove, TV, internet, telephone and radio.

"In life, there are moments that seem like we are inside a tunnel.

However, by attracting it, we can see a wonderful landscape again.

What we cannot do is stop in the middle."

Daisaku Ikeda.

I married Eric 12 years ago, and live in the United States. Eric, who became a member.

My son also became a Buddhist and is at Soka University. 

Now I have all the time and

I became self-taught, full of creativity.

"There is only one road and only one, and this is the road that I love. I chose it.

When I walk on that road, hopes spring up, and the smile opens on my face.

I will never run from that road. Daisaku Ikeda.

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