Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Parents's Gratitude Pray

Say this Prayer of Thanks to your parents for three months, and your life will be completely transformed.

My parents had me in an hour of total love and pleasure.

I am the result of my parents' passion and wealth.

My parents, you were born to live your life, and I was born to live my life.

You provided the way and left me free to create my own path in life.

Several aspects of my childhood will be part of me forever.

My life turned into happiness.

There is only happiness between us.

Thank you for everything you have shown me.

I free you, mother and father.

I stop demanding the impossible of you.

My spirit appreciates them, so I appreciate them too.

You are faithful to each other.

You value and respect me.

I appreciate the side that I am from you.

Our relationship is democratic and egalitarian.

We are the Universe.

Our harmony, peace and security surround us.

We looked into each other's eyes with love.

We listen to each other with love.

We trust each other.

We understand each other.

Between us there is only understanding.

I see perfection in us.

I go beyond the excellences of you, my parents.

In honor of you, I live a life of love, pleasure, wealth and health.

I am grateful that you thank me for everything I did for you.

I thank you for valuing me so much.

I'm grateful for all the money you invested in me

I'm grateful that you trust me

Thank you mom and dad for investing in me.

Thank you, thank you, thank you mom and dad.

                         Thillai Sandstrom

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

The Road of Buddhism

My name is Thillai Hana

From the land of the blue macaw

African, Guarani, Jewish

From Mato Grosso do Sul

After so much work

In homes, factories

No shortcuts required

I traveled my journey

I opened my own business

I got a tremendous partner

We entered this parade

Politicized by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels

I abandoned the opium of the people: Religion

Pioneer company owner in the market

Interviewed by several journalists

It appears in the Estadão newspaper and on television

Abundance, depression, dog life,

"God if you exist, help me!"

Simultaneously in another part of the city.

A young woman prayed to bring happiness

She pauses to go and do her needs;

In the lab, an open magazine, my photo.

She went to visit me

Nam Myoho Rengue Kyo taught me!

Wow! after sleepless nights. Slept!

At a meeting I went. Meeting ended, 

I was with my son on my lap and another guest  left together.

"How absurd she said that everything I'm living is my fault." 

The guest girl said and never came back

I thought

If I am created, I have power.

And Start practice.

Right away the benefits sprang up.

 I got a tourist and business visa and took a $ 6,000 course in the United States.

Depression left, and happiness came.

"My secretary spoke.

  • “You look like a dizzy cockroach, he (the father of my son) swears at you in front of everyone and you are quiet.

I realized that I had changed..

I prayed for our happiness, and he walked away.

"If Nam Myoho Rengue Kyo works, our relationship work." I claimed.

"Thillai is not for your happiness." My friend buddhist said

- “If we stay together, I will be the happiest person in the world. " I conclude

In 2000 I received the Gohonzon.

In 2001, my goal was to attend a congress in New York in April. 

And I prayed every day for this goal.

On March 28, very angry, I closed the oratory. This doesn't work, no money, nothing.

On April 1, I landed in the USA. 

However, my objective had been wrong, the congress had been in March.

In 2003 I paid for a stand to sell dolls. at the event in Campina Grande in the state of

Paraíba. An event scheduled for 60 thousand people. 

I traveled with two boxes of stoves, filled with dolls. 

There were less than 60 people. On the eve of finishing the event, I

had not sold a doll. 

The night with a racing heart. 

I read Brasil Seikyo, where President Daisaku Ikeda

said: "The important thing is to be happy despite the problems. 

I decided to relax and sleep

The next morning my luck turned. 

The local TV  reported on the dolls.

The townspeople came to buy them.

 I got a call from an American friend, who was in Recife, with his friend Eric.

They were going to a conference in Chapada Diamantina in Bahia

He paid for my plane tickets so I could go with them.

I would like to say that from then on my life became a paradise, 

but that is not what happened.

I lost what was left, I lost everything.

A friend who rented "a space" to keep his trifles, let me go to live in the space,

which did not have a stove, TV, internet, telephone and radio.

"In life, there are moments that seem like we are inside a tunnel.

However, by attracting it, we can see a wonderful landscape again.

What we cannot do is stop in the middle."

Daisaku Ikeda.

I married Eric 12 years ago, and live in the United States. Eric, who became a member.

My son also became a Buddhist and is at Soka University. 

Now I have all the time and

I became self-taught, full of creativity.

"There is only one road and only one, and this is the road that I love. I chose it.

When I walk on that road, hopes spring up, and the smile opens on my face.

I will never run from that road. Daisaku Ikeda.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

The Ten States of Life in Buddhism

Zhiyi (538–597 CE) is considered the founder of the  T’ien-t’ai  tradition of Buddhism in China. Zhiyi is famous for being the first in the history of Chinese Buddhism to elaborate a complete, critical and systematic classification of the Buddhist teachings. He is also regarded as the first major figure to make a significant break from the Indian tradition, to form an indigenous Chinese system.
Buddhist T’ien-t’ai  developed a system that classifies human experience into: ten realms or states or “worlds.” 

This Ten Worlds teaching was adopted and elaborated by Nichiren Daishonin ( February, 1 6  1222 - October, 13 1282), who stressed the inner, subjective nature of these worlds: “As to the question of where exactly Hell and the Buddha exist, one sutra reads that Hell exists underground and another sutra says that the Buddha is in the west. However, closer examination reveals that both exist in our five-foot body.”
What are these ten worlds, then? Ordered  to the most desirable, from the last, they are: 
What Buddhism refers to as :
The Four Noble States represent the effort to live with integrity, inner freedom and compassion. 

1- Buddhahood is a state of completeness and perfect freedom, in which one is able to savor a sense of unity with the fundamental life-force of the cosmos. For a person in the state of Buddhahood, everything—including the inevitable trials of illness, aging and death—can be experienced as an opportunity for joy and fulfillment. 
2-  The world of Bodhisattva is a state of compassion in which we overcome the restraints of egotism and work tirelessly for the welfare of others. 

3- Realization indicates the ability to perceive unaided the true nature of phenomena. Together, these are sometimes referred to as the Two Vehicles, as people manifesting these states are partially enlightened and free from some deluded desires. 
4- The world of Learning describes a condition of aspiration to enlightenment. 

5- Rapture is a state of joy typically experienced when desire is fulfilled or suffering escaped. 

6- Humanity is a tranquil state marked by the ability to reason and make calm judgments. While fundamental to our identity as humans, this state can also represent a fragile balance that yields to one of the lower states when confronted with negative conditions.
These four states are referred to as the Four Evil Paths because of the destructive negativity that marks them.
7- Anger is a state characterized by an unrestrained competitive urge to surpass and dominate others and often a pretense of being good and wise. 
8- Animality—an instinctual state of fearing the strong and bullying the weak.
9- Hunger—a state dominated by deluded desire that can never be satisfied. 
1- Hell—a condition of despair in which one is completely overwhelmed by suffering.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Your Happiness is Everything!

 When you put happiness in the center of your life, you will become stronger while facing life’s challenges. 

 When you put happiness first, this happiness comes in front of everything.

You have the solutions for everything in your life

Your  thoughts, speech and behavior are like seeds that become implanted in your live. 

Life is a continuum of past, present and future lives. Our actions at any moment become part of the continuum of cause and effect. 

Stop any thought you have now, and  focus on Happiness. 

Unhappiness is an important opportunity to use our power of choice, and develop and strengthen ourselves, to be Happy!

By persevering in happiness despite hardships, we find deeper meaning in living.

Every problem we overcome through happiness, we create a model for winning in life.

You can appreciate every circumstance and challenge.   

When our mindset changes, we change. And when we change, the environment and the world change, too.

Every activity in your life  is an opportunity to become a leader, is an opportunity to lead people to happiness.

Your mission here in this life is to be happy. You will lead people to happiness .

Develop a gold vision for your life. A life of happiness.


Reiki is a form of alternative medicine developed in 1922 by Japanese Buddhist Mikao Usui Since its beginning in Japan, Reiki has been adapted across varying cultural traditions. It uses a technique commonly called palm healing or hands-on-healing. Through the use of this technique, practitioners believe that they are transferring "universal energy" through the palms of the practitioner, which they believe encourages healing.

Mikao Usui (15 August 1865 – 9 March 1926, commonly Usui Mikao in Japanese) According to the inscription on his memorial stone, Usui taught Reiki to over 2000 people during his lifetime. Sixteen of these students continued their training to reach the Shinpiden level, a level equivalent to the Western third degree, or Master level. Usui died on 9 March 1926 of a stroke.

As an adult, it is believed that he traveled to several Western countries, including the Americas, Europe, and China as a part of his continued lifelong study. His studies included history, medicine, Buddhism, Christianity, psychology, and Taoism.
He had obtained the knowledge of Reiki from the Buddhist religious book Tantra of the Lightning Flash.

Reiki Philosophy: 

Just for today: Enjoy all blessings.
So for now relax and be happy. 
Today and always: Win up daily bread honestly.
 show appreciation for all living beings.
Honor your parents, teaches and elders

Why Practice Reiki
I practice reiki because it speeds up my internal vibration, increases my sensitivity, and I realize new realities.
My body moves to the frequency of light.  
I have access to higher dimensions.
In a firm and unconditional way Reiki puts us on a path that leads us to reach the evolutionary goal without being demoted by any external circumstance, not by external crises.
  It is a technique to activate the universal life energy, me and my spirit, balancing me and keeping healthy.
The practice of Reike provides a high balance of the endocrine system which stabilizes the whole body immune system, digestive, nervous adjusting body load providing the cells on the way and automatically freeing of toxins, helping to reduce stress and many other diseases.
The reiki also works beyond time and space. Because in time and space dimensions are separated, being a function of the other. That way you can send energy to certain times of the past. And arrange it for the future.
The reiki healing can not produce what our limited mind thinks that can happen. Always seeking the maximum evolution of the person.
The energy is always flowing. If we cling to anything else, it stops flowing, becoming dead, because everything that is alive in this movement.
When the more arrested a person becomes, the less she is alive.
Reiki uses symbols that are a gateway to the different healing energy levels. They help us in our own concentration and concentration of expanded cosmic energy.

 The Different Levels of Reikes

At Level I - We wake up and realize that there is no need to live with so many problems that result in suffering and imbalances in our physical body.

At Level II - We turn and start to interfere literally what until then had been considered untouchable, as our destination and "Karma". We have learned that we must and we can, the beams of our choices to make and remake our personal life when it comes to all aspects and emotional and mental energy processes of the present and past life.At Level III - We carry on, we developed the advanced consciousness of the inner teacher. Us

were for years trying to find out who we really are, what we stand for, what we do here, where we are going. We realize that we have unlimited power in need of expansion, we need to lose a bit of earthly roots, immediacy and project ourselves in the cosmic, the source of life. We can accomplish everything, we acquire awareness that we are not only in ourselves and that we are in intrinsic movement with the universe, our subtle bodies interpenetrate, our "I" participate equally in the process of living.

The five reiki symbols correspond to the five levels of the mind. Together they eliminate the mind duality matter, disintegrating the ego to achieve the highest levels at the end of the Wisdom Path.

For the next step we should understand God. To know and understand God. We need to know the word God in Latin. In Latin the word God is Deus. The letter D + Eus. Eus  is a plural of Eu. Eu is I in  English. In English the word I do not have plural, however in latin has. Many I mean. That I can  "I's in harmony.". We are Matter, Emotion, Spirit and Mind.

In the chart above we have four fingers representing: Spirit, Body, Mind, Feelings/emotion the fifth finger when closed up another four represents the letter D. That represents the fours I: I spirit, I body, I mind, and I feel estão juntos  em completely in harmony. When we are in complete harmony we become Deus, meaning God.And When we become God we can realize our dreams and our mission here and help.

The harmony of a single human being can transform all humanity.

We do this in harmony when we do and say it in accordance with our mind and spirit (heart).

People often say that love is the greatest power in the universe, but the greatest power is the power of decision, you have to decide to love and be loved before. Its power of decision is between the heart and head.

The five reiki symbols correspond to the five levels of Selves. Together they eliminate the Mind Matter spirit and emotion duality, harmonizing to achieve the highest levels at the end of the Wisdom Path.

The original use of symbols was not material to cure, but to help others wisely.
Fives Wisdom levels that shall result in the understanding
Before, during and after making the symbol repeat the mantra three times.

The Energy of Spirit
The beginning. The first step and experience. The light switch. The empty and detach the earth plane. The energy of expansion of the symbol immediately takes us into the cosmic energy, the power of infinity. When you have a thought, immediately follow the thought with chokurei. Before you sit down in a chair, draw it. To clean energies strained environments. Protection for doors and windows. 
We put CHOKUREI in the heart and meditate until there is no difference between my mind and my heart, leaving the two in harmony, we feel in harmony with the world.

Dai Ko Myo
The Energy of Material
 It is the symbol of the masters; its use allows an immediate connection between the physical self and the self spirit. The return of the spirit. The universe is my friend and shines on me. Promoting unlimited wisdom manifestation of my mind about my physical level, this will cause an intensification of Reiki energy harvesting. We got in touch with high-frequency energy, accelerating the energetic particles from our body and vibrational field around us, wiping immediately all electrical channels driving serve the Reiki energy, making our volume of unlimited energy. We understand that grand unification is the basis for understanding all things (Unification, we are Goddesses, God). We are free of the incarnation and suffering.
The symbol of Dai Ko Myo can be used as an enhancer in any kind of processing work, it can be used anywhere, anytime. The reiki began to flow in our hands, no matter what we are doing with them,

we must not forget the mantra that must always be thought or spoken three times.

The Dai Ko Myo should always be used before the others so you can amplify.

Sei He Ki
The Energy of Emotion
Emotional healing, cleansing, purification and transmutation protection. This is the most primitive symbol in primitive cultures and several similar symbols. The symbol that works with the emotional body, the mental and emotional planes, aligns the psychological vibrations, helping us to find out where this emotion within us that is causing the problem.
Change of impure matter for gold (purity). The wisdom by understanding and emptying the negative side of the ego. This symbol should be used to cut compulsions and addictions. This symbol looks like a dragon, which symbolizes protection and spits transmutation of fire. Dese You do affirmation repeated three times when working with this symbol for this to come true. Buddhahood.

Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen

The Energy of Mind
No past, present or future. Healing the past, present, future. The healing of karma. Freedom from delusion and karma. Can be used for regression and healing from a distance. The mind creates the illusion of limitation of space and time. full understanding of the illusory things, limitations and time. The freedom of space.


Conclusion, the emptiness of self-existence. The appearance of an image of the Enlightened One (or God (Selves)) internal.
 Freedom  wisdom, total peace. Release from the illusion of the material world, release from the body and incarnation, total healing. In Buddhism, this symbol is used in the direction from feet to crown to take one out of the body; in Reiki it is used from crown to feet for grounding and to draw the energy from the universe into the body ( opposite intent and meaning- Reiki is worldly use for the symbols. Wisdom is the spiritual and Buddhist use. Buddhist thinking makes the body and healing irrelevant) ( Reiki definition, the = lightning bolt, completion, grounding). Attunement = Initiation= Empowerment
The Raku is not a cure symbol. The Raku should only be used for alignment or initiations and not for healing sessions. Raku is like fire turning their energy through the natural energy channels within the body. It is used to seal the tuning process, closing the chakras of the student and the student rooting for the land. Also plays a role in the separation of the energies of the student and the teacher after tuning Assima. We conclude the process of tuning.

In our self treatment before you start the application, use the Dai Koo Myo and Hon Sha Ze Sho Not.

Emotional solutions for: Dai Ko Myo, Sei He Ki, Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen

For mental solutions past event and cures / future use: Dai Ko Myo, Cho Ku Rei, Sei Reiki, Hon Sha Sho nor Raku. 
The same reasoning is used for the treatment of crowds and others, in which case, these symbols will be displayed on the head of the patient towards the forehead to the nape.

Activation Of Power Channels

The Crown chakra (Sahasrara) is the most important of all, and has 972 petals (segments). It is the link between our physical body and the cosmic reality in higher energies. The open chakra implies consciousness and perfection of being with a global vision and universal consciousness, faith, peace and spiritual serenity.
This is the meaning of all, giving us a feeling of our existence.
The activating technique of power allows channels and to activate the break-even Sahasrara, causing Reiki can be captured and can flow in large quantities, giving curing condition crowds, states, countries, etc.

Make the following sequence
1- Join the ring fingers, medium and thumb of each hand. Index fingers and minimum must remain stretched.

2 Touch the hands so that the backs of middle fingers and ring remain together and the minimum finger and right hand indicator is on the minimum fingers and right hand indicator is about the minimum finger and left hand index finger.

3- Take your hands to the top of the head, like an antenna, touching the crown chakra with fingertips that are united (middle, ring and thumb)

4 See the Dai Ko Myo, Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen, CHO KU REI, Sei He Ki.

Reiki on the Planet
Sunday, 18 hours. Trace the symbols: Dai Ko Myo, Cho -Ku-Rei, Sei He Ki. Imagine the planet in his hands three times, trace the symbol of Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen and thus remain 15 to 30 minutes

Meditation with Symbols
Sit comfortably with your eyes closed, let the hands and legs extend without crossing them. Visualize the symbol Dai Ko Myo, in white in front of him, mentally repeating the name three times. Feel it coming in through your crown chakra like a luminous ball pool, down the spine to base chakra. See all the chakras tronando the brighter as the symbol Dai Ko Myo runs down your spine, feel that energy expands: repeat the same operation with the Cho-ku-rei green and Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen in violet color.

How Initiations
Keep the Hui Yin position (a woman contracts the vagina belly and navel, man contracts the anus belly and navel) and the tongue touching the roof of your mouth, all the time.
Hold your breath, unless you are blowing; Then, breathe deeply again, and hold your breath again. The master makes the initiation standing; students start sitting in chairs with straight backs. and his hands are joined on the chest in a prayer position.

1- The Master By back
Opens the crown chakra by visualizing or hand movements.
Draw the Dai-Ko-Myo over the crown chakra.
Take the hands of the student over his shoulder, hold them and blow on the crown chakra. Take a deep breath and hold your breath.
Draw the other symbols on the crown chakra: Cho-Ku-Rei, Sei-He-Ki, Hon Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen.
Take the hands of the student over his shoulder, hold them and blow on the crown chakra. Take a deep breath again and hold your breath.

2. The Master Moves Forward:
Open hands of the student, like a book.
Draw the Cho-Ku-Rei on both palms.
Knock three times.
Draw the Sei-He-Ki on both palms.
Knock three times.
Draw the Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nor on both palms.
Knock three times.
Draw the Dai-Ko-Myo on both palms.
Knock three times.
Bring back the hands of the initiated, who are in prayer position, close to the master and safe -as with one of the masters.
The master blows the root chakra to the heart. Take a deep breath and hold your breath.

3 The Master Back to the person:
And closes the aura with the symbols inside (does not close the crown chakra).
Draws the Raku along the spine, from head to toe.
And release the Hui Yin and breath.

21 The Process Purification Days

After the harmonization process suffered a process of purification for 21 days. Because of vibrational frequency released by the physical and etheric bodies, the old dense energy is forced to the surface and released.
When we receive a matching series of Reiki, the sudden amplification of the vibrational frequency accelerates our loss of dense negative energy within our systems which can not resonate with fine vibrations created by the harmonization. Although the change is sudden, it takes time for the adjustments to become effective. It takes about three days for the energy to move through each of the seven main chakras. Some of the typical visible signs of purification include various dreams, "strange sensations", emotional and physical changes, such as detoxification. People change their eating habits on their own. I try to be aware of what they eat, and lose interest in eating meat. Some reactions may seem unpleasant at first, while the negative energy is being released, but through word yes to every experience, accepting, and not attacking, these symptoms will disappear.

Thank you!
   Thillai H. Sandstrom